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Revolutionizing Recruitment: The AI Impact on Hiring

Recruitment refers to the process of identifying, attracting, screening, shortlisting, and interviewing the right candidate to make the selection and onboarding process effective and seamless.

The complete process is being done by the recruiters to help the organizations with the right talent and meet the business objectives. In today’s competitive job market, AI has been introduced to make the process flow more quickly and accurately.AI or Artificial Intelligence is not an uncommon word to anyone and has transformed the world for the greater good.

AI has been an integral part of recruitment since a very early age. For instance, searching through thousands of CVS is made way more efficient by using different software.

Benefits of AI driven process:

  • Time savior – Instead of time-consuming tasks, to focus more on the core criteria, recruiters prefer it to be automated through AI-driven technology.

  • Use of chatbot – Custom chatbots have made it easier to reply to the numerous different queries of the candidates at any point in time.

  • Understand and Reach the right one – Keywords being used to feed the software to teach new techniques to sort and identify the right talent.

  • Minimize the hiring bias – Unintentionally present hiring bias through human errors can be removed while hiring with the help of AI or AI-driven technology.

  • Better retention –AI continues to perform to choose the right talent and attrition level goes down with better retention rate and with better quality of the workforce.

  • Identify the needs of the employees – AI can predict and share the most accurate data from surveys done on employees in an organization, which could lead to better employee

  • Cost-effective – AI saves money by recruiting the right talent in a short time frame and retain them for a longer time.

  • Improvement of the hiring process – AI-driven technology makes the hiring process better and helps to make smarter choices.

Whether it is a small, medium, or large business, Artificial Intelligence continues to add values to every organization.


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